I am a retired computer professional, mother of two genius, self sufficient kids, wife to the best guy on the planet (there is no debate!), caretaker for two aging German Shepherds, lover of nature, and an OBSESSED sewer. For decades I squeezed in quilting, Halloween costumes, and home decor projects around my family obligations and jobs. Over the past couple of years I have branched out into garment making, and accessories such as bags and hats. Most of all I love fabrics, of all kinds. I love trims, and patterns, threads, and sewing notions and gadgets. My sewing area keeps expanding, and although it is in the basement of our lovely log cabin, it has expanded to fill almost every square inch of our basement. I love the challenge of design. The internet has brought the world to my finger tips, which is good because I live in the middle of nowhere. So I have it all. I have time, space, equipment, materials, and desire. Let’s see where this takes me.